baking day

March 1, 2011 Comments Off on baking day

So first things first.  The girl is in good shape.  Achey, and definitely up for the ibuprofen this afternoon when she got home from school, but fine.  The orthopedist’s office hadn’t called by the end of the day, so I phoned them and they basically said yup, we know about it, and we’ll get her in sometime this week, but it’s not falling off so it’s really not all that interesting to us.

So I sent both kids outside when they got home today, because it was spectacular out.  Temps up in the 50s, bright sun, etc.  It really felt like spring, enough that I cracked open the front and back doors and let a little fresh air in.  That’s always a big moment, because it starts to feel like we’ve been breathing the same air since November.

Anyway, the house also smelled fantastic, because I did this thing I’ve been doing where I get overly ambitious and plan too much with no backup.  So I have to follow through,  and I end up with the oven going pretty much all day.  Last night I realized we were almost out of 1) bread, and 2) cookies.  Neither of these represented an acceptable situation.

In addition, the boy wanted sloppy joes tonight, and I wanted sweet potato fries.  So I broke out my calendar and figured out how to get two sets of bread baking (since there’s no way I’m buying hamburger rolls at this point), a batch of vegan chocolate chip cookies (by request, I swear!), a 40-minute sweet potato roast and a trip to the store in.  It was complicated, but as you can see it came together in the end.  And I got in a run, two full chapters edited, and a bunch of appointments for electricians, etc., made.

The ciabatta kicked butt, the sloppy joes were awesome on the sandwich rolls (I left them in an extra couple of minutes so they’d stand up to the extreme sauciness), the sweet potatoes were a little underdone but nommed, and the cookies are awaiting judgment by the panel.

I am having a glass of wine tonight.

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